
Steel Alloys Characteristics

Steel Alloys (%)

Specification Steel Grade Tensile Stress, N/mm2,MIN Proof Stress, N/mm2, MIN Elongation, %, MIN Hardness, HRB, MAX. BENDABILITY  
            Bending Angle Inside Radius
JIS SUS301 520 205 40 95 No Require  
G4304 SUS302 520 205 40 90 No Require  
G4305 SUS304 520 205 40 90 No Require  
G4312 SUS304L 480 175 40 90 No Require  
  SUS304J3 480 175 40 90 No Require  
  SUH309 ok 205 40 95    
  SUS309S 520 205 40 90 No Require  
  SUH310 590 205 35 95    
  SUS310S 520 205 40 90 No Require  
  SUS316 520 205 40 90 No Require  
  SUS316L 480 175 40 90 No Require  
  SUS317 520 205 40 90 No Require  
  SUS321 520 205 40 90 No Require  
  SUS347 520 205 40 90 No Require  
  SUSXM7 480 175 40 90    
  SUH409 360 175 22 80 180� 0.5 t (t < 8mm),1.0 t (t > 8mm)
  SUH409L 360 175 25 80 180� 0.5 t (t < 8mm),1.0 t (t > 8mm)
  SUS410 440 205 20 93 180� 1.0 time the thickness
  SUS420J1 640 440 20 97    
  SUS420J2 740 540 12 99    
  SUS430 450 205 22 88 180� 1.0 time the thickness
  SUS434 450 205 22 88 180� 1.0 time the thickness